White Privilege Abbylee Bonny White Privilege Abbylee Bonny

TED TALK Peggy McIntosh: Ho to use your white privilege - and use it to fight inequality

Many of us believe that we're living in a meritocracy, deserving of what we have and compassionate toward those with less. But that's not true: white people have been given a headstart and ongoing advantages due to the color of their skin, while people of color suffer from equally arbitrary disadvantages, says scholar and activist Peggy McIntosh. She explains what led her to recognize her privilege — and how it can be used by those with power to ensure a fairer life for others.

This talk was presented to a local audience at TEDxTimberlaneSchools, an independent event.


Peggy McIntosh · Anti-racism activist, scholar

Peggy McIntosh is an anti-racism activist, scholar, and Senior Research Scientist at the Wellesley Centers for Women. She is the founder of the National SEED Project (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity).

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