Tainui Regional Waananga - Maniapoto Rohe 2024

Sold Out

DATE Thursday 14 November

TIME 9:00am - 3:00pm

VENUE Mangatoatoa Marae, Te Mawhai Road


Registrations close on Friday 8 November 2024

Register - Add To Cart

DATE Thursday 14 November

TIME 9:00am - 3:00pm

VENUE Mangatoatoa Marae, Te Mawhai Road


Registrations close on Friday 8 November 2024

DATE Thursday 14 November

TIME 9:00am - 3:00pm

VENUE Mangatoatoa Marae, Te Mawhai Road


Registrations close on Friday 8 November 2024

E ngaa rangatira

E ngaa tumuaki

E ngaa mana o ngaa kura o Te Arahou o Tainui ki runga i a Puketutu. (Bombays)

Anei te tono ki a koutou, anei te karanga o te Nehenehinui, te Rohe Potae, araa ko Ngaati Maniapoto ki a koutou o ngaa toopito o Tainui.

Nau mai haere mai ki te waananga-aa-tau e te roopu o Te Arahou.

Nau mai ki Maniapoto whenua.

  • Teenaa koutou whaanau

    We look forward to gathering as the Te Arahou MAC Whaanau of Tainui above the Bombays to share and learn together.

    This year it is time to return to the rohe of Maniapoto where we have not yet gathered for our regional wānanga since we were together at Mangatoatoa Paa in 2018.

    The scheduled hui at Tokanganui-aa-noho Marae, (Te Kuiti Paa) on 30 August was cancelled due to Kingi Tuuheitia's Tangihanga. We have been unable to reschedule at Te Kuiti paa. It is exciting though that we have an alternative venue and date.

    The new date and venue for the waananga is now 14 November at Mangatoatoa Marae. (66 Te Mawhai Rd, Tokanaui)

    We will hear about local, stories from the ahi kaa. Our focus or kaupapa after that will be related to the unpacking next steps within our framework, “Te Whare Tapu o te Ngaakau Maaori".

    There will be a time to dive into the resource/s, ask questions and reflect on next steps.

    We hope to have some time at the end to break into sub rohe and look ahead to some next steps in our areas.

    Naa reira e hoa maa

    We look forward to receiving your registrations and also confirmation for those who are alreday registerd. You are welcome to consider bringing other leaders from kura or your Board Chair as an example.

    Parking on the day is in the large grassed area in front of the waharoa.

    Details will be provided in pānui to attendees closer to the time. Mauri ora ki a taatou.

    New registrations close on 8 November 2024.

  • Maniapoto Cluster, Taumaranui Cluster, Hauraki Cluster, Koroki Kahukura Cluster, Raukawa ki Tuwharetoa Cluster, Te Awamutu Cluster, Kirikiriroa ki te Uru Cluster, Kirikiriroa ki te Rawhiti Cluster and Catholic Waikato Cluster

  • 9.00am - Arrive and assemble ready for Poowhiri

    9.40am - Paramanawa/ Refreshments

    10.10am - Whakawhanaungatanga

    10.45am - Hau kaainga koorero

    11.15am - 11.30am MAC Kaupapa - Te Whare Tapu o te Ngaakau Maaori

    12:40pm - Kai o te Raa nui

    1.20pm - MAC Kaupapa

    2.20pm Korero Whakakapi

  • Paying via credit card is our preferred payment method, however, if you do not have the capacity to do so please enter discount code “INVOICE” at checkout. Once you have entered the discount code it will remove all cost of registration/tickets.

    You will still need to continue the check out process, if you do not check out your registration will not be received.

    once you have finished checking out you will receive an order confirmation of $0 and our team will create and send an invoice within 7 working days.

    Any pātai please email kiaora@mac.ac.nz

  • Please note, if you do not 'checkout' on the website your registration will not be received. Please ensure

    you ‘add to cart’ the quantity of people you wish to register for.


    After completing this form Click 'REGISTER - ADD TO CART' and follow these steps:

    1. Click ‘CART' in the top right corner of the website screen

    2. At the Check Out page check you have the correct quantity - Click ‘CHECKOUT’

    3. Fill in the boxes on the left

    1. Your Email - enter your email address - Click ‘CONTINUE'

    2. Fill in Payment Details - Click ‘CONTINUE’

    3. Review & Purchase - Click ‘PURCHASE’

    You will be sent an order confirmation/order invoice directly after pressing ‘PURCHASE’ - please check your junk mail as it might end up in there. This email confirms you have submitted your form, registration has been paid and we will be in touch soon.

    Any pātai please email kiaora@mac.ac.nz


    Partial refunds will be issued for refund requests received on or before 6 November 2024. A $30 transaction fee will be deducted per registration from all refunded amounts. After 6 November 2024, refunds requests will be processed on a case by case basis. If the event is rescheduled, all purchases will be honoured for the rescheduled event date or may be refunded in full. If the event is cancelled, all purchases will be refunded in full.

    After submitting your refund request in writing to kiaora@mac.ac.nz, please allow up to 5 business days to process your refund request. It can then take up to 10 business days for the refunded amount to appear on the credit card the registration was paid from.

    Refund Request Dates:

    Requests before 6 November 2024 will incur a $30 non refundable transaction fee per registration.

    Requests received after 6 November 2024 will be considered on a case by case basis, if accepted these will incur a $30 non refundable transaction fee per registration. The amount refunded will be at the discretion of the Regional Wānanga organisers.