Waitangi Wānanga 2025

26 - 27 - 28 March 2025

Waitangi, Te Tai Tokerau

This wānanga is a powerful journey of reflection, learning, and growth. Kia kaha – it’s an experience not to be missed!

- Waitangi Wānanga Participant Survey Response

Nau mai, haere mai

Wānanga Kaupapa: To experience our foundational documents at the source, ensuring all leaders grow their knowledge and understanding, strengthen relationships, and engage in Te Ao Māori through marae encounter.



These taonga can be used as a tool to help you unpack te hurahi ako and the environmental aspects that connect the learning journey from te tomokanga to te wharenui.

Find us on Spotify

We now have our two MAC Waiata recorded and available for you to listen on Spotify, Apple Music and more. Written by Te Ringakaha Tia Ward ( Ngāti Toki, Nga Puhi) and sung my our Te Arahou o Aotearoa - MAC kaimahi.

Te Whare Tapu o Te Ngākau Māori

Te Whare Tapu o Te Ngākau Māori is a framework developed to support the growth of a new education system that acknowledges all people as Akonga or learners. It is premised on the Marae as the bastion of Te Ao Māori, Te Reo Māori me ona tikanga and the many journeys it requires through a process to develop an understanding of Te Ao Māori and therefore a bicultural worldview. Do you want to be a part of an education that values the way in which Māori view the world and her people?

Throughout the history of the education system in Aotearoa Māori have felt the intentional absence of Te Ao Māori, Te Reo Māori me ōna tikanga. Māori akonga have been subjected to education that does not value the way in which Māori view the world and her people. Over the past 170 years of western education, Māori have consistently found themselves at the base of western expectations. The teaching of Aotearoa’s children has been discriminatory and biased and has ensured the plan of colonization and assimilation has continued in pedagogy still evident today.

This resource is for educators of willing learners. It contains a pathway to realising each individual's unique contribution to a bicultural society with Mana Orite at the heart of engagement. Te Whare Tapu o Te Ngākau Māori is a journey through the inherent concepts of Te Ao Māori realised through developing an understanding of Ngākau Māori.

If we do not develop a Ngākau Māori in each of our Akonga we rob our nation of a bright and better future where Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti thrive in a mutual understanding of each other's worlds.

Māori Achievement Collaborative is committed to the goal of Māori educational success as Māori!


Māori Achievement Collaborative (MAC) is committed to the goal of Māori educational success as Māori, as defined by Ka Hikitia – Accelerating Success 2013-2017 (Ministry of Education, 2013). MAC’s vision of ‘A Change in the Hearts and Minds of Principals’ reflects an intention to foster collaboration and personal and professional growth leading to changes in individual school leadership practices aimed at Māori success. MACs have worked to create a critical mass of collective leadership so that positive change is sustainable and enduring and impacts on all members of a school community, staff, students, parents and whānau.

 Ko wai mātou?


The Māori Achievement Collaborative (MAC) is a non-profit organisation, a professional learning and development pathway by principals for principals focused on changing education outcomes for Māori students. In all: “Leaders helping leaders to become better leaders!” It is visionary and transformational and aims to build the capability of schools to inquire into, recognise and delete barriers impeding improved educational and cultural outcomes for Māori in partnership with students, whānau, hapū and iwi.

He aha tō mātou mahi?


The underlying premise of this learning and development kaupapa is that ‘Schools won’t change unless the principal does.’ To this end the focus of the programme is on ‘Changing the hearts and minds of principals’ through a process of deep learning, mentoring, coaching, critical conscientisation and collaboration. In this way the belief is that change will become sustainable and enduring and will impact on all members of a school community, staff, students, parents, whānau.

 “What I have been challenged by is bigger than just our school.  I have been given a new lens from which to view things.  I look forward to walking alongside many principals and others… to help polish and refine this lens to improve Māori achievement in Aotearoa.”

- MAC Tumuaki